Possibilities Happen When We Decide

Published Mar 14, 2023

When you don't know what to do, don't do anything until you do.

I came to a standstill point in my journey of developing Peoplepreneur. The last three weeks have been tricky, and I always remember this quote from Oprah. Life has a way of testing you, teaching you and treating you to become the person you are asking to be.

Abhishek Dutta, a dear friend, someone who believes in what we are trying to achieve, supported me from the very beginning in shaping what Peopleopreneur® would be digitally. However, we, fortunately, ran short of time. I am genuinely grateful for it because it forced me into something I was reluctant to do.

In those last two weeks, I stopped posting on social media and just took a moment to overcome all the typical clogs we all face in mind. It was either waiting for an opportunity to find the right person or doing it myself. I remembered speaking with an amazing friend, Dale Nirvani Pfeifer, Founder and CEO of Goodworld, she said to me, "Sometimes you are better off doing it yourself". Giving her journey and how she built the company, I did just that.

Familiarise Yourself

We come to a point in our journey when we must make the possibility happen. I spent those two weeks quickly learning the basics of the platform, what was happening in the backend, and how things worked. I tried many things, and most of the time, they didn't work; it's a phase I like to call 'Familiarising yourself'.

Attempting something new will never be masterful the first time. We must allow time to 'familiarise' ourselves even if it doesn't work the first, second or third time. Many times we get in our way, rationalising why we can't, "I don't know enough", or "This is going to be very difficult; this isn't your area of expertise".

Here is something I want to remind you of:

You might not know what to do in the situation. Yet know that you have already experienced enough to see yourself through - Anks Patel

Take my example.

I believe that I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to technology. Through my education and previous life experiences, I have gained enough understanding to tackle various tasks. My current skills, combined with the knowledge I have acquired, the challenges I have faced, and the relationships I have built, all contribute to my ability to excel in my work.

When my mum saw my website and asked me how I knew what to fix, I realised the value of my experiences. I knew she couldn't help me because she wasn't familiar with the challenges I had faced.

Consider this.

Why learn anything in life if it wasn't meant to be applied?

Every experience in your life is valuable because it can be applied in different situations. By acquiring knowledge, we become equipped to handle various challenges and develop the drive to push ourselves further.

You will never experience that which wasn't meant for you to learn and apply from.

Believe in your abilities and draw inspiration from your experiences. You have the power to overcome any obstacles and make the impossibility a possibility. So go ahead and take on new challenges with confidence!

See it through

I gave myself a target time; I MUST complete this because it was the bottleneck in further development. At that point, nothing could stand in my way.

I decided that it was possible.

Yes, there was much more than a decision; there was sacrifice, frustration, commitment, trial and error, faith in myself, and certainty.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Trust that you are already equipped
  • Get triggered, fuelled by what must change
  • Have complete certain in yourself
  • Get clear on the outcome
  • Become laser-focused; nothing can hold you back
  • Familiarise yourself
  • Get curious; try, adjust, try again
  • Be relienless in your pursuit

Make it possible.

Today was the day we launched the site!

When you're ready, here's how we help you:

A Purposeful Path Workshop
A powerful workshop to get you aligned with your connected path. With a deeper appreciation for who you are explore what beings you a sense of meaning. Find Out More.
Compass Of Life Course - Navigate The Choas
A self-paced course designed to build your inner compass and navigate life with complete certainty. Wield your most powerful tool and lead your life - Register interest
1:1 Sessions - Hire A People-Centric Coach
Often, inner constraints are expressed differently and never reveal the actual problem; it can be frustrating - Get yourself back on the path of progress.

Anks Patel

Founder, Growth Coach, People Developer, Strategist,Unconventional Thinker, Aligner, Clarifier


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