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Success & Failure Come From The Same Cloth
Anks Patel

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Jul 23, 2024
How To Become Purposeful
Anks Patel

Explore why many feel purposeless and learn the 4 P's of Purposefulness to find direction and fulfillment in life.

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May 21, 2024
Breaking Barriers To Growth
Anks Patel

Unlock the power of shifting perspectives and overcoming limiting paradigms. Embrace self-awareness and a new mindset for profound personal growth

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Jun 26, 2023
Framework To Meaningful Impact
Anks Patel

Discover your 'Why, Who, What, and How' with the Serve Curve framework. Turn intentions into impactful actions. Begin your meaningful journey now.

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May 22, 2023
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Pritesh Parmar
Presence Practitioner, Writer & Poet
Anks Patel
Founder, Self-Leadership Coach , Empowerer, Brander, Human
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